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Knee Replacement cost in India and knee surgery types

Knee replacement cost in India starts from USD 4,000 for single knee. The success rate percentage of this procedure in India is in good 90s. This surgery is a boon for the patients who have been experiencing knee pains and stiffness for years due to osteoarthritis or severe knee injuries.

What is knee replacement surgery?

Knee replacement is a surgical procedure to relieve knee pain, increase knee mobility and increase the quality of life of the patient. Patients with damaged joint cartilage and adjacent bones in the knee joint may need this surgery. Arthritis and severe knee injury are main causes for such damage to need surgical procedure like knee replacement.

The knee joint is the junction point of three bones – thigh bone (distal femoral condyles), leg bone (distal tibial plateau) and the knee cap (patella). The cartilage, ligament, tendon, synovial membrane and meniscus hold the joint together. The cartilage in the knee joint, articular cartilage, is a kind of tissue that covers the surfaces of the bones and is responsible for reducing the friction of movement in the knee joint. Ligament and Tendon are also type of tissues that are tough and elastic which hold the joint together and controls the joint movement. Synovial membrane secrets a fluid that lubricates the joint. Meniscus works as shock absorber of the joint.

In this procedure, the worn-out surfaces of the knee joint are removed/shaved off. These surfaces are replaced with implants/prosthesis. The prosthesis has three components to cover the surfaces of the three bones of the joint. The tibial component resurfaces the top of the leg bone. The femoral component resurfaces the end of the thigh bone. And the patellar component that resurfaces the affected surface of the knee cap. A plastic spacer is also inserted between the prosthesis components to reduce the friction in the joint. It is important for smooth movement of the joint.

What are the causes that may lead a patient to opt for knee replacement surgery?

  • Ostheoarthritis: It is the most common reason for people to opt for knee replacement surgery. In this condition, the cartilage in the joint breaks down. It usually affects the elderly. The causes of osteoarthritis include old age (usually occurs with people over the age of 50 and older), knee injury, obesity and joint deformities. The symptoms of this condition in the knee include pain and swelling in the knee, stiffness of the joint, difficulty climbing stairs, difficulty in sitting crossed legs, decreased joint movement and inability to walk for longer distances.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: In this condition, the synovial membrane of the knee joint becomes inflamed and thickened. This condition can lead to cartilage damage, pain, and stiffness.
  • Post traumatic Arthritis: As the name suggests, this type of arthritis can be a result of a severe knee injury. Damage to bones surfacing the knee joint or ligament tears may result in permanent damage to the articular cartilage. This may cause joint pain and stiffness.
  • Pain in Deformed Knee: The pain in the deformed knee can be another sign that indicate the patient requires knee replacement surgery.

What are the signs and symptoms that may indicate knee replacement surgery?

  • When non-surgical medical treatment options fail to relieve the knee pain and stiffness
  • Severe knee deformities that make patients unable to carry out their daily activities
  • Knee inflammation or swelling that does not show improvement after weeks and months of rest and medication
  • Knee joint is unstable and patient has to use cane or walker to walk
  • Decreased or no movement of the knee joint

What is the knee replacement cost in India for different surgeries?

The different types of knee replacement surgeries performed in India are as follows-

  • Unilateral Total Knee Replacement – Single Knee: Single Knee – Total Knee Replacement cost in India at top hospitals starts from USD 4,000. This cost is around 1/5th of the cost of this surgery cost in USA. You can check details of this procedure on our website here.
  • Bilateral Total Knee Replacement – Both Knees: Double Knee – Total Knee Replacement cost in India at top hospitals starts from USD 6,000. You can check details of this procedure on our website here.
  • Partial (Unicompartmental) Knee Replacement: If only one side of the knee is affected, it may be possible to have a partial (or half) knee replacement. This is a minimally invasive surgical approach procedure. The patient must have healthy ligaments to be eligible for this procedure. The recovery is quicker than total knee replacement. The Partial (Unicompartmental) Knee Replacement cost in India at top hospitals starts from USD 6,000. You can check details of this procedure on our website here.
  • Revision Knee Replacement: If the patient needs to have a total knee replacement when a previously performed replacement surgery fails, this surgery is performed. The cost of Single Revision Knee Total Knee Replacement in India at top hospitals starts from USD 6,500. The cost of Double Revision Knee Total Knee Replacement in India at top hospitals starts from USD 9,500. You can check details of this procedure on our website here.
  • ACL Reconstruction: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the ligament of the knee that is responsible for holding the joint together and control the movement of the knee. An ACL tear may occur due to an injury. The cost of ACL reconstruction in India at top hospitals starts from USD 3,200. You can check details of this procedure on our website here.

What tests are required before knee replacement?

  • Routine tests like Physical examination, Blood tests, Urine tests and ECG.
  • X rays of the knee joint
  • Some patients may require knee CT/MRI scans

What happens during a knee replacement surgery?

  • An anesthesiologist evaluates the patient.
  • The anesthesiologist decides the kind of anesthesia to carry out the procedure.
  • General anesthesia is administered in most cases. The patient is asleep during the procedure.
  • The anesthesiologist will continuously monitor patient’s vitals during the surgery.
  • It is made sure that the skin of the knee area is clean using an antiseptic solution before making an incision.
  • The surgeon will remove the damaged surfaces of the bones of the knee joint.
  • These shaved off bone surfaces will be resurfaced with the tibial, femoral and patellar components of the prosthesis and spacer is placed between these prosthesis components.
  • The incision will be closed and sterile bandage/dressing will be applied over the knee.

What happens after the knee replacement surgery during stay at hospital?

  • The patient is observed in a recovery room for some time after the surgery until vitals are stable and the patient is alert.
  • The patient will need medication to manage the post-surgery pains. The doctor will prescribe the same.
  • To prevent blood clots and swelling, the patient may need precautionary measures like support hose, inflatable leg coverings and blood thinners.
  • A physical therapist will discuss exercise plan as it is important to move the joint after surgery
  • The patient will receive an exercise plan for days in the hospital and for weeks after the discharge.

How does a common exercise plan look like after the knee replacement?

The knee replacement patients usually require 3 to 6 weeks of physical exercise plan to resume their daily routine to an extent. It takes around 6 months of knee physical therapy to get to quality routine living. The knee rehabilitation or exercise plan starts 24 hours after the knee replacement surgery.

  • After 24 hours of the surgery, patient is allowed bed side sitting, patient is made to stand and an isometric quadriceps exercise plan is started.
  • The patient is asked to walked with help of a walker, may be asked to climb a few steps with therapist’s help and knee bending exercise plan is started after 48 hours of surgery.
  • After 72 hours of the surgery and on advice of the therapist, the patient is made to stand up and sit without much assistance. The aim is to achieve 70% to 90% flexion of the knee before patient’s discharge from the hospital.
  • Upto 3 weeks of the surgery, the patient starts a gradual walk and stairs program with the help of walker and continues the home exercise plan suggested by the physical therapist. The patient needs to continue rehabilitation sessions during this period if suggested by the therapist.
  • From weeks 4 to 6, patients walk for longer distances and climb stairs with support of a walker or a stick.
  • After 6 weeks, patient walks for further long distances outside the home and walker may be replaced with a stick.
  • After 3 months of the surgery, patient may walk on his own without any help. The patient continues the exercise plan for at least upto 6 months from the surgery.

During this rehabilitation period of 6 months, the patient must avoid some activities that strain the knee like squatting, sitting crossed leg, high level impact activities such as sports and heavy physical work. A list of such activities to avoid will be given to the patient.

You can read more about knee replacement on American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons here.

How will Contactcure help you with knee replacement?

Contactcure provides a comprehensive website platform, a one stop solution, for patients & their family/friends. Users can research about the treatment procedures, their estimates, best hospitals & best doctors in India.

We are side by side the patient right from the first contact through website or phone until the patient reaches back to his country. Our services include the following-

  • Detailed evaluation of patients’ case from multiple specialist Doctors;
  • Providing quotes from multiple hospitals & help select best possible doctor/hospital;
  • Medical Visa & Flight ticket Assistance, Priority admission to hospital & appointment with chosen doctor;
  • 24/7 Local Assistance in India with services like daily follow ups, local SIM, currency exchange, language Interpreter, accommodation and Local travel & food;
  • Assistance in resolving issues with the hospital bill in case of issues;
  • Post-treatment rehab/ physiotherapy;
  • Assistance in domestic sightseeing and planning and
  • Post treatment follow-ups with doctor

How much contactcure charge for its services to the patients?

Contactcure does not charge anything for its assistance and services to the patient. The hospital where the patient undergoes the treatment pay us from their sales and marketing budget for our services delivered to the patient.

If hospitals pay contactcure, does patient bill increase to accommodate contactcure payment?

The patient’s hospital bill does not increase. The hospital will give the patient the same quote in case patient approaches the hospital without any medical tourism facilitator like Contactcure.

This is because of the fact that all hospitals have sales and marketing budget for international and domestic patients which is intrinsically a part of the hospital quote/bill.

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